Please visit EL Mundo Safaris for more details about Tour de Tanzania In less than five degrees south of equator lies Tanzania, twice the size of California, 945,087 square kilometers (364,898squre miles), the largest in East Africa.

An East African leviathan girdled splendor Tanzania warms its eastern boundaries in the penciled water of the Indian Ocean. Off its white sand beaches and mangrove swamps lie the balmy islands of Pemba, Mafia, and Unguja; the Zanzibar archipelagos.

The country is largely bounded by natural frontiers Lake Tanganyika, the continent’s deepest lake, to the west; Lake Malawi/Nyasa in the southwest; the Ruvuma River forms the border with Mozambique; Lake Victoria, the world’s second-largest lake, the size of Scotland, borders the north; and volcanic mountains Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and Lengai in the northeast separate-e Tanzania from Kenya.

This large land is dotted with permanent and seasonal lakes and rivers, including the Great Ruaha, the Rufiji, the Malagarasi and the tributes of Nile, Congo and Zambezi give the country more surface water than any other African country.

Tanzania includes the highest and, lowest points on the continent; snow-capped Kilimanjaro at 5,896m (19,340feets), and the bottom of Lake Tanganyika 358m (1,174feeet) below the sea level.

It is home to one of the world’s last great herds of plains game roaming some of the wildest and least spoilt natural areas, including three World Heritage Sites-Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and Selous, the largest game reserve in Africa, mention but a few. Nearly a quarter of all Africa’s game is found in the Savannah, 4% of total country’s areas host 14 national parks country, makes it A Land of Safaris.

Savannah is perhaps the quintessential Africa landscape but Tanzania has much more. Mountain ranges, woodland and forest, marsh and swamp, rivers and lakes, mangroves and coral reefs. It only less than ten percent of these varied terrains are cultivated by 80 percent rural population concentrated in the fertile northern highland around Kilimanjaro and Meru, the shores of Lake Malawi/Nyasa and Victoria and along the coast.

The eastern arm of the Rift Valley which has done so much to form the topography of land is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) wide here, divides the northern steppe from the vast central plateau that lies at 1,200 meters (4,000feet). Roughly encircling the interior is a broken carve of ancient crystalline hills. They rise below Kilimanjaro as the Northern and Southern Pare Mountains and the Usambara, then swing south-west through the Uluguru and Udzugwa to finish as the Southern Highlands around Mbeya near Lake Malawi/Nyasa. These mountains preserve isolated remnants of the Equatorial forest that once stretched in an unbroken belt from west to east Africa. Now they are islands of endemic species, home of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world.

                                       Tour De Tanzania- Cycling Expedition.

1st Day-Starting from Arusha at Maasai Camp, few coke stops, 50km lunch stop then dinner /overnight at Twiga Campsite Mto wa Mbu, total distance 110km.

2nd Day -From Mto wa Mbu cycled along Rift Valley wall, 21km coke stop, 51 lunch then dinner/overnight Ngasero campsite, Lake Natron.* For those able, summit Oldonyo Lengai midnight, afternoon rest evening Flamingo tour.

4th Day- from Lake Natron cycle across savannah then Rift Valley escarpments 45km lunch stop, dinner/overnight Loliondo bush camp, total distance 100km.

5th Day
- Game drive in Serengeti National Park.

6th Day- from Fort Ikoma, Serengeti, cycle across Ikorongo and Gurumeti game reserve (be aware of elephants and buffalos), Lunch 50km, coke stops after lunch, dinner/overnight Bunda bush camp, total distance 100km
7th Day- From Bunda cycle along the shore of Lake Victoria, lunch 45km, after 95km cross the lake by 45minutes ferry to Ukerewe Island then cycle 16 km to Monarch beach camp for overnight.

8th Day- Three and half hours boat in Lake Victoria to Mwanza town, afternoon internet, eat pizza or whatever you can find, dinner/overnight in camp. Just like the rest day!

9th Day-From Mwanza crosses the gulf 30minutes ferry, from Kamanga cycle towards south to Bwanga, enough coke stops, 48km lunch. Dinner/overnight Bwanga bush camp, total distance 127km.

10th Day- Cycle from Bwanga , 45km lunch, dinner/overnight Kibondo bush camp, total distance 150km.

11th Day-From Kibondo cycle towards south 50km lunch, dinner/overnight Kasulu bush camp, total distance 130km.

13th Day-From Kasulu cycle 40km towards west-north, then lunch, again 5okm south to Kazinga, dinner/overnight Lake Tanganyika beach camp, total distance 90km.

------------------14th Day Chimpanzee Tout in Gombe Stream National Park---------

15th Day- from Kigoma cycled along Lake Tanganyika, few coke stops, lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Kabongo bush camp, total distance 100km

16th Day-From Kabongo still along Tanganyika shore lunch 45km, dinner/overnight Katavi National Park, total distance 100km.

17th Day- from Mahale National park, lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Kisi bush camp, total distance 126km.

*Only if no rain 18th Day-From Kisi cycle towards the south through Mbizi mountain descend to Lake Rukwa basin, lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Ichese bush camp 170km.

19th Day-Cycle in Rukwa Rift Valley basin then descend to Mbeya town, 50km, dinner/overnight Mbeya hotel, total distance 160km.

18th Day-From Kisi keep cycle towards the south, lunch 45km, dinner/overnight Sumbawanga town, total distance 110km
19th Day-From Sambawanga cycle to Laile, lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Laile bush camp, total distance 102km
19th Day-From Laile cycle to Tunduru, lunch 45km, overnight Tunduma, distance 124km
20th Day-From Tunduma cycle towards north-east ascent southern highlands, lunch 40km, overnight Mbeya town, distance 110km
………………………21st Day Rest in Mbeya town……………….l.

22nd Day-From Mbeya cycle 55 towards the south of Mbeya before embarking on Poroto mountain and Kipengere range lunch35km, dinner/overnight Kitulo bush camp, total distance 88km

23rd Day-From Kitulo cycle in the mountains range lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Njombe, distance 103.
24th Day-From Njombe town cycle towards Lake Malawi, lunch 45kmkm, overnight Lipingu, distance 118km

25th Day- cycle along the shore, lunch 45km, overnight Manda, distance 130km

---------26th Day Rest on the beach--------

27th Day-From Manda cycle towards east lunch 45km, dinner/overnight Songea town, total distance 150km.

28th Day-From Songea town cycle towards south lunch 40km ,dinner/overnight Masunguro bush camp, toatal distance 136km

29th Day-From Masunguro cycle towards east lunch 45km, dinner/overnight Tunduru towm, total distance 136km.

30th Day- from Tunduru cycle through miombo woodland lunch 40km, dinner/overnight Nandedo , total distance 100km.

31st Day- From Nandedo cycle toward east lunch 40km, overnight Masasi town, distance 100km
32nd Day-From Masasi town cycle towards Indian Ocean, lunch 50km, overnight 146km
33rd Day-From Lindi cycle towards north along Indian Ocean shore lunch 35km, dinner/overnight mtandi, total distance 85km.

34th Day-From Mtandi still along the coast lunch 45km, overnight Kilwa Masoko, distance 105km

------------26th Day visit ruins and dhow trip-----------

35th Day from Kilwa along the coast to Rifiji River delta, lunch 60km, dinner/overnight Ikwiriri, total distance 166km

36th Day-From Ikwiriri cycle long the coast to Dar es salaam, lunch 60km, dinner/overnight Mikadi beach camp, total distance 163km.

………………..37th Day Rest In Dar es Salaam…………………

38th Day- From Dar cycle along the cost, lunch 60km, dinner/overnight Saadan bush camp, total distance 150km.

39h Day-From Saadan cycle along coast cross the Saadan Nationa Park, lunch 60km, ferry cross Pangani River, dinner/overnight Tanga town, total distance 150km.

40st Day-From Tanga cycle through Usambara mountains lunch 50km, dinner/overnight Kivingo, total distance 110km.

41st Day-From Kivingo cycle along descend in the plains cycle along Mkomazi National Park lunch 50km,overnight Same, total distance 152m.

42nd Day-From Same cycle through Kilimangaro foothill, lunch 70km overnight at Rongai camp the base for Kili climbing, total 160km.

6days of climbing Kili from east and descend in the west, one day rest west Kilimanjaro

50th Day-From west Kili cycle through Mount Meru foothill to Arusha, lunch 50km dinner/overnight Arusha, total distance 95km.

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